Getting back to school ready!
Yes you read that heading right…we’re talking back to school already! It only seems like they broke up for the summer holidays five minutes ago doesn’t it? Although sometimes it really does feel like they’ve been off for five years!!
That’s the funny thing about the summer holidays. There are some days that you enjoy so much, that you wish they would be off for longer. And then there are other days when you REALLY can’t wait to get them back into school!
Well, however the holidays are going for you, the one thing that is guaranteed is that they are definitely going back at some point. And on that note, here are a few things to bear in mind that can make the transition from holiday, to back to school ready, easier!
Get your new uniform early!

Cards on the table, for many years I was an absolute last minute larry! I’d spend the summer holidays juggling childcare, work and various activities, leaving getting their new uniform to literally a couple of days before they went back.
Unsurprisingly, there was very little left in stock and almost nothing that would fit them. So they either went back to school in their old, ill-fitting uniform or the new one which was two sizes too big! Don’t judge me! It’s all I could get.
To avoid a last-minute panic, definitely look at ordering any new bits of uniform in early. That way, you’ve got time to try it on and check it all fits (still giving you time to order another size if it doesn’t) and it’s one job you can tick off your ever growing list of things to do!
Check their shoes!

And whilst we’re talking about checking things fit…SHOES! Whatever size their feet were at the end of term, you can absolutely guarantee that they will have grown over the summer. So by the time you hit school, they’re in need of everything…school shoes, trainers, pumps, wellies…you name it.
Now whilst you can’t get them the new shoes too early due to inevitable growth spurt, don’t leave it until a couple of days before, like I did a few years ago! I, along with about 15 other stressed out parents and deregulated kids, crammed into the local shoe shop, desperately trying to get someone’s attention to measure their feet, whilst clutching the last shoe in the style they want. It wasn’t fun and I don’t recommend it.
What I do recommend is checking if your local shoe stores offer appointments. That way you can breeze in, get their feet measured, buy the required footwear and breeze out, escaping the stress!
Know what date they are going back
I’m pretty sure you think you know this, but for sanity’s sake, just double check you know when there are going back to school.
You see school’s never re-open on a Monday. That would be too simple. There are a variety of inset and teacher training days to be had first so everyone is prepared for the return of the pupils!
Your school will open on a random day in the middle of the week. And you’ll have or hear conversations like this…
“The kids go back on the 4th Sept”
“Yeah the Tuesday”
“No, the 4th is a Wednesday”
“What do you mean the 4th is a Wednesday?!?”
To avoid this…know both the date and the DAY they are returning!!
And for those starting school for the first time…
Firstly, I honestly wish I was there to give you a hug as it’s such an emotional time. Seeing your baby all grown up, looking smart in their uniform!
I cried buckets dropping my eldest for the first time. With my second, I thought I’d managed to hold it together pretty well. That is until I bent down to give her a final hug and in the process started sobbing!!
Secondly, I have some separate little tips for you (which you can embrace or ignore at your leisure!)…in no particular order:
- Join the Class WhatsApp group: It will be run by your class rep and provide you with all the reminders you need (and there will be A LOT) as you settle into your new routine. The link to join will be provided to you by one of the class parents. The school will not regulate this, so doesn’t get involved.
- Set up a separate email for the school’s correspondence: Similar to the above, you can never underestimate the number of emails you’re going to get from the school. Having a separate email address ensures nothing gets lost amongst the sea of other emails you usually receive.
- Get involved with school life. Most schools have such a great community and are always looking for parent volunteers, be it for reading with the kids, helping with school trips, organizing school fetes…etc. It’s a great way to help support your school community and make school parent friends….and on that note…
- School parent friends are your village and having them will make your life so much better. These are the people who will get you through the next seven years of primary school. They understand what you’re going through, they will pick up your kids when you can’t, they’ll remind you when its non-uniform, they’ll have a coffee with you after drop off when you need to let off steam. Find them and cling on.
- The last one and probably the most important…your little people are going to be absolutely fine. It’s always so daunting leaving them there for the first time, but this is where they get to make friends and learn who they are when you’re not around…and that’s a really good thing.
That’s it for this month. I hope you’re having a brilliant summer holidays with the small people and if not, don’t worry…they’ll be back before you know it! Good luck for September!
Love Kelly xx